Clean and Rectify
Constraint Violations
main problem in cleaning, is that we know that there is a problem, but it is ambigous where the fault lies, when a dependency is violated.
📐 Minimal Repair
minimal change to the database that removes the constraint violations.
👆🏻 Consistent Query Answering
is a method to obtain all query answers that are invariant to any possible way of restoring consistency by performing minimal repairs.
Transform Query
SELECT * FROM Students;
FROM Students
SELECT * FROM Students s2
WHERE s1.Snum = s2.Snum AND s1.Name != s2.Name
parent(leo, paul)
parent(paul, john)
ancestor(A,B) <- parent(A,B)
ancestor(A,B) <- parent(A,C), ancestor(C,B).
ancestor(leo, paul)
ancestor(paul, john)
ancestor(leo, john)
👆🏻 Answer-set program
Declarative program that specifies all possible repairs (executable specification)
- Define new table contents
- Students_(X,Y,A) ← Students(X,Y)
- with annotations A being
- t: repair by insertion of the tuple in the new table
- f: repair by deletion of the tuple in the new table
- t*: tuple was in the original table or inserted in the repair process.
- t**: tuple belongs to final contents of the table.
Active Integrity Constraints
Instead of reasoning about possible repairs, one can also ask the user to specify the inteded repair
Virtual Data Integration
Unified view of data in multiple sources through mediator
- define global schema
- define mappings between global and source schemas
- queries on global schema automatically rewritten to execute on source schemas.
- use CQA or repair approach to deal with incosistencies between sources.
Snum | Name |
101 | John Bell |
104 | Clair Stevens |
107 | Pat Norton |
Snum | Name | Admission |
104 | Alex Pelt | 2011 |
121 | Ana jones | 2012 |
137 | Lisa Reeves | 2012 |
Local as View
reconstruct original data from the global view
Global Schema:
StuUniv(StuNum, StuName, Adm, Dept)
- StuPs(x,y) ← StuUniv(x,y,z, “Psychology”)
- StuCS(x,y,z) ← StuUniv(x,y,z, “Computer Science”)
Querying based on CQA
- Q3(x): exists y, exists z, exists w StuUniv(x,y,z,w)
- answer ⇒ {101, 104, 107, 121, }
- Q4(x,z): exists y, exists w StuUniv(x,y,z,w)
- answer ⇒ {(101, 2011), (121, 2012), (137, 2012)}
- (because there is a constraint admission not null)
missing values
What to do with NULL values
Let the system invent a possible value.
Invent a value that satisfies the functional dependencies.
domain: all possible rooms
choice: funcional dependencies room is not reserved and number of people > 10.
global constraints
We would like to impose snum is globally unique
- it is unique in both deps but not globally
- repair by deletion ?
- insertions ?
- invent new globally unique ids?
Cleaning Duplicates
Result of matching is a set of matching record pairs.
- Equality is transitive, so we cluster by transitive closure.
Resolution of possible partitions:
- let a human determine which one it is.
- ranking the most probable one.
- probabillistic databases
How to handle merge inconsistencies
We detected a duplicate:
how to merge the records?
- determine an ID
- any foreign keys in other tables refering to this id need updating
- determine value for other attributes
- choose most likely value
- or combination formula
- example: sales on product ⇒ SUM(sales)
Goal ⇒ one record with one value for each attribute.
Anomaly Detection
Cleaning outliers:
- delete points / records (may cause bias)
- correct points in some way
- many other methods exist
Autoencoders ⇒ define when to trust the reconstructed record more than the original threshold.
Data Imputation (cleaning missing data)
- Database has a sample only not population.
Combining different data sets
Gettting data from two different databases.
Two sources can be combined if you know that the ids are correct.
Strategies for handling missing data
- Prevention
- Simple methods
- listwise deletion: if some attr is missing, delete the row.
- pairwise deletion: still use row for calculations where only the non-missing attr are needed.
- mean substitution: if missing (X) then X:= mean(X)
- Indicator method: add var R:=(if missing X then 1 else 0) for ML
- attribute deletion: exclude attr with too many missings
- LOCF: Last observation carries forward (time series)
All simple methods make strong and unrealistic assumptions, for example:
- list/pair-wise assume MCAR, otherwise bias
- mean substitution underestimates variance and distribution is injured.
- LOCF overstimates precision; biased point estimates
Single Imputation or Regression Imputation
- For attribute that has missings train regression model to predict it using the other attributes.
- Then use this model’s prediction for the values of the attribute that are missing.
Advanced Version:
- Train Multiple models:
- Train models on the data.
- check the best accuracy of the models.