Data Quality Process
Data Glitches Examples:
- missing data
- inconsistent data
- anomalies and outliers
- duplicates
- undocumented data
Factors that complicate detection of glitches:
- relevance:
- severity varies depending on the domain
- focus on the most relevant things
- ambiguity
- boundary between good and bad is unclear
- depending on the company
- complex dependencies
- one glitch can mask another.
- dynamic:
- not only new glitches appear, but also type of glitches changes.
Classification of glitch complexes
- multi-type glitch
- a value has multiple glitch types associated with it.
- concomitant glitches
- two or more values have glitches and appear in the same record.
- multi occurrent glitches
- same glitch type occurs in different records
Detecting Glitches
- Missing data (values, records, attributes)
- values: easy, records & attr: hard
- Inconsistent erroneous data (values, references)
- (soft) constraint based
- typical errors: spelling
- Anomalies and outliers (values, records)
- statistical methods, ML-based methods
- semantic duplicate records
- matching
- undocumented data
Missing data Mechanisms
- MCAR: missing completely at random
- no correlation between missingness and any values, observed or missing.
- Random subset of the data.
- MAR: missing at random
- there is correlation between missing values and the observed data, but not the missing data.
- example: only men respond to weight question on questionnaire. (weight is only filled in for men)
- MNAR: missing not at random
- example: not everyone responds questionnaire, specific type of people.
- relationship between missing rows and values (of the missing rows).
Deletion of rows requires MCAR; otherwise bias.
if you delete rows and missingness is not at random the model will be biased.
Data imputation methods assume not MNAR ⇒ imputation is replacing missing data with substituted values.
Quantifying the number of glitches
counting the amount of glitches
- Per value
- glitch signature: vector with glitch type indication bool
- determine weights per glitch
- glitch score of a value: weighted sum
- Global
- Sum of all glitch scores
🚧 Constraint
Any rule that should hold in your data.
Data is a simplified abstraction of the real world, so any rule which holds in the real world could and should hold for your data.
- ssn are unique for people
Also called integrity constraints or semantic constraints.
A soft constraint is a rule that almost always holds, but there can be exceptions.
- name of employee is unique within org
- person enrolled in course implies person is student.
Functional dependencies
attributes X determine one value for attributes Y.
f(11) = “mark”
, f(11) cannot be any other value.
Formal Notation: Students(snum, name)
Referential Integrity Constraints:
“every enrollment is done by a student”
Formal Notation in predicate logic
Database D is consistent iff it satisfies all constraints.
To quantify:
- count the number of violations of each constraint
- Sum over all constraints (possibly weighted)
Conditional Dependencies
⏩ Pattern Tableau
a row template that if satisfied means that a certain functional dependency should apply to the row.
⚙ Conditional Functional Dependency
Defined by the pair
Country | Zip | Street | City |
UK |
➕ Conditional Inclusion Dependencies
Defined by the pair
There are algorithms that can automatically discover CFD’s and CIND’s from a set of tables.
- There are also some algorithms that can discover them even if they do not hold perfectly in your data, but are valid up to a certain threshold of violations.
- Assuming we trust these discovered rules as true constraints to flag possible violating records and values.
Finding Duplicates
Components of entity resolution
- entity reference extraction
- entity reference preparation
- entity reference resolution (comparaison of pairs: same real world entity or not?)
- entity identity information management
- entity analytics
Entity Reference Preparation
- Data profiling
- Parsing
- Standardization
- Encoding
- Conversion (datatypes)
- Enhancement: adding info
Data Profiling
Often used: pattern frequency analysis
replace digits with 9, capitals with A and lowercase with a.
then count occurrences of all the patterns.
⇒ find values of often occuring types: phone numbers, email, phone, credit cards.
Entity Reference Resolution
Exact matching vs. probabilistic or fuzzy matching
Fuzzy matching with similarity functions:
- numerical
- syntactic
- semantic
- phonetic
- hybrid
Jaccard Coefficient
Fraction of sharing between P and Q.
P={“J”,”o”,”h”,”n”,”D”,”o”,”e”} → {”e”,”h”,”n”,”o”,”D”,”J”}
Q={“S”,”e”,”a”,”n”,”D”,”o”,”e”} → {“a”,”e”,”n”,”o”,”D”,”S”}
Jacquard(P,Q) = 4/8 = 0.5
0 | 1 |
1 | 0 |
1 | 1 |
jaccard = tp / tp + fp + fn
jaccard =
1 | 1 |
0 | 0 |
1 | 1 |
Insensitive to word order.
Levenshtein Distance
L(A,B): number of manipulations to turn A into B
Example: JIM→JAMES needs 3 manipulations
Update I→A, insert E, insert S
So, Normalized Levenshtein = 1-3/5 = 0.4
Jaro-Winkler Distance
W1+W2+W3 = 1
C: number of common characters
T: number of transpositions. (LE → EL)
Jaro Winkler is a modification:
- N: number of first four characters that agree position
Example: 0.897+0.1*4(1.0-0.897) = 0.938
Other distance metrics:
- Smith-Waterman distance
- longest common subexpression
- Q-gram distance aka n-gram
- create substrings of length Q
- “John Doe” → [“Joh”, “ohn”,”hn “,”n D”,” Do”,”Doe”]
- Then use Jaccard or Jaro Winkler.
Converting scores into probabilities
Common is to normalize:
- turns score into value between 0 and 1.
- But better is to use a probability.
better is to use sim2p-mapping
Efficiency of entity mapping
complexity because entity matching needs to compare every record with every record.
- improvement: sorted neighbourhood method (SNB)
- avoid matching those that are not likely to match
- sort on a sorting key, match only in a sliding window.
Result of matching set of records S is a partitioning
- Partition of S is set of non empty subsets
- Union of subsets is S
- Intersection of each pair of subsets is empty
- Subsets are often called clusters
Measuring and analyzing matching results
- T is a partition obtained by correct linking (sample known)
- X is a partition obtained by our matching algorithm
- V is a partition formed by all non-empty intersections between true clusters(T) and process clusters (X)
Talburt-Wang Index
- E: set of pairs of records in T
- L: set of pairs in X
- ~E: pairs in S not in E,
- ~L: pairs in S not in L
False Positve Rate
False Negative Rate
Entity Information Management
We strive for
- Each RW entity has exactly one occurrence in the data
- Distinct RW entities have distinct occurrences
We have a cluster of records (duplicates)
- Survivor record EIS: keep the most complete one
- Attribute based EIS: surrogate record created with a most representative value for each attribute.
- Record based EIS: keep all possible records.
Anomaly detection
Define or obtain a model of normal behavior
- measure likelihood or record/value to be generated by this model
- outlier are rare or inconsistent with the rest.
Categorization approaches
semi supervised
k-nearest neighbour K-NN
- based on a distance measure, and a class measure.
- the larger the distance to the knn the lower the local density the more likely the point is an outlier.
- neural network that learns to reconstruct it’s input.
- using a middle layer or bottleneck, it has to compress and can only represent the most salient features.
Train a model of a normal record in the table.
Any value that is not reconstructed with similar value to the output is suspicious.