PODB 1 ​
- Services
- Intangible
- Heterogeneous
- Simultaneously produced and consumed.
- perishable.
Servitization is a business model inovation where a manufacturer of products expands the scope of transactions with customers by offering product-related services and hence more encompassing solutions.
servitization involves the innovation of an organization's capabilities and processes so that it can better create mutual value through a shift from selling products ot selling Product-Service-Systems (PSS)
Offering | Products | Services | Experiences |
Economic Function | Make | Deliver | Stage |
Nature of offering | Tangible | Intangible | Memorable |
Key attribute | Standardized | Customized | Personal |
Method of Supply | Inventorized | Delivered | Revealed |
Buyer | User | Client | Guest |
Factors of demand | Features | Benefits | Sensations |
Mass Customization ​
The same number of customers can be reached as in mass markets of industrial economy and simultaneously they can be treated individually as in the customized markets of pre-industrial economies.
goods and services of mass customization:
- large market
- meet exactly the needs of each customer. (differentiation option)
- costs +- correspond to standard products. (cost option)
- the information collected during the process of individualization serves to build up a lasting individual relationship (relationship option).
Mass Customization Types ​
Collaborative Customizers
conduct a dialogue with individual customers to help them articulate their needs to identify the precise offering that fulfils those needs, and to make customized products for them.
Adaptive Customizers
offer one standard, but customizable, product that is designed so that users can alter it themselves.
Cosmetic Customizers
present a standard product differently to different customers.
Transparent Customizers
provide individual customers with unique goods or services without letting them know explicitly that those products and services have been customized for them