Power Of Prototyping ​
- Prototyping is a valuable technique.
- Goal of prototyping: Feedback
- A prototype is a question rendered as an artifact.
- A prototype helps communication: helps everyone have a concrete understanding of what others are talking about.
- Prototypes are and ought to be incomplete.
- Prototyping is a strategy for efficiently dealing with things that are hard to predict.
- Focus on goals of the design, don't settle for a fixed design.
The rights of a prototype ​
- not required to be complete
- should be easy to change
- gets to retire
What do prototypes prototype ​
there are different kinds of prototypes:
- feel: what will it look like?
- implementation: what might it work like?
- role: what might the experience be like?
Goals In Prototyping ​
- Maximize Learning and Communication axis
- Minimize Time to create prototype axis
Prototypes can be used for large products:
- planes
- ships
- stores etc...
It's important to have different ideas about the design to be able to find the best possible design.
Costs of changes over time ​
The cost of changes increases exponentially overtime because:
- people get used to the current product.
- people develop things on top of your product, that can be broken.
Therefore most changes should be introduced early.