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Supervised learning - generalisation ​

Key problems in supervised learning ​

  • model selection:: Neural Networks, Decision trees?
  • data representation: coding, normalization, transformation
  • algorithm, parameters: which training prescription? how many training epochs, which learning rate?

Validation procedures ​


Problems ​

  • lack of data: can we afford to waste example data only for validation?
  • representative results: lucky/unlucky set composition can give misleading outcome
  • variation of results: how safe is the prediction? Error bars of the estimates

An example strategy: "n-fold cross-validation" ​


  • repeat training n times

  • calculate average training / test errors (variances)

  • repeat cross-validation for different models, parameter settings etc

  • select the best system with respect to test errors (model, number of units, learning rate ect)

  • which n in n-fold cross-validation?

    • larger n -> larger fraction of D used in each training run -> more estimates of E-test/ -> higher computational effort extreme case: n=P: use all but one examples for training, test on single example, repeat P times leave-one-out estimate
  • statistics: n results are not statistically independent (since we iterate through the train set n times, it it means that when we take one fraction of the dataset for training, we have x-1 fractions left)

Over-fitting ​

test/training erros (e.g observed in cross validation) vs. complesxity of the model (e.g # of prototypes, neurons, ...) over-fitting.png

the bias / variance dilemma (qualitative discussion) ​

competing aims in training: + low bias = small systematic deviation from the "true solution" on average over all possible data sets of the same size + low variance = weak dependence on the actual training set, robustness of the hypothesis


  • small variance: simple model under-fitting -> large bias
  • small bias: complex model, over-fitting -> large variance

Over-fitting ​


  • in a potentially overfitting learning system, we can use algorithm parameters to control effective complexity i.e. the degree to which the training error can be minimized e.g. number of training epochs learning rates

  • validation procedures can overfit!

    • example: selection of parameters based on Etest by cross-validation
    • does depend on the entire data set D
    • unclear performance with respect to entirely new data
  • In practice, available training data is often limited

  • Splitting the data in sets further reduces this

  • N-fold cross-validation reduces this. It repeatedly splits the data and average the results (here, n = 4)