Intelligent Systems in Computer Science ​
Perception ​
Interaction with environment requires cognitive processes, e.g. computer vision, speech recognition, motion detection, scene analysis, object classification
Decision making ​
Processing of incoming information, analysis of a situation, selection of possible actions in order to achieve a goal, e.g. path finding, sorting of objects
Learning ​
Data driven adaptation of the system based on observations only (unsupervised) or together with feedback from the environment (supervised), e.g. classification, regression.
Types of machine learning problems ​
Unsupervised Learning: input data, no labels
- Clustering: group similar data points
- Density estimation
- Dimensionality reduction
- Outlier/novelty detection
Supervised Learning: labels are provided
- Classification
- Regression
Semi-Supervised learning
- labels for just part of the data
Reinforcement learning
- find a sequence of actions (policy) that reaches a target
Classification vs Regression ​
Classification: Predict a discrete label from features ​
- Medicine: classify X-rays as \cancer" or \healthy"
- SPAM detection: classify emails as spam or not
- Face recognition, speech recognition,
Remark the picture of from the lecture slides
Regression: Predict a continuous value ​
- Weather forecasting (wind speed, mm, rainall)
- In financial markets: predict tomorrow's stock price from past evolution and external factors
- A robot learning its loccartion in an environment
Semi-supervised Training ​
Partially labelled data sets, first training based on labelled subset, extend by making predictions for unlabeled data, accept examples with high confidence for next training ... iterative procedure
Unsupervised Training ​
Clustering ​
Given a set of data points: partition it into groups such that points within each group are similar (low inter-group variability) and groups are dissimilar (high intra-group variability)