Domain Name Registration ​
- SIDN (Stitching Internet Domeinregistratie) registers second level domain names .nl
- private non-profit organization.
- In NL only via Internet Service provider: agent a second level domain name can be registered.
[protocol]://[subdomain][second-level domain name].[top level domain name]
- Any legal entity with registered office in NL can have a domain name via agent.
- applicant has to sign indemnification statement.
- Private person can have domain name.
- Natural person not practicing profession or business, resident of NL can have a domain.
- Whois register searchable on domain name
- Applicant can act against other use of that domain when he registered trademark
Reasons For cancellation ​
- applicant does not comply with the regulations of SIDN
- registration was accomplished by means of fraud or deception in the application.
- the relative personal domain name turns out to be the applicant's second or subsequent personal domain name (he is allowed only one)
- the registration auth has received an auth copy of a judgment declared provisionally enforeable or a non appealable final judgement to this effect.
- the agent involved is no longer a participant in the registration auth.
- the applicant no longer has an agent.
- the applicant has decesased.
- the applicant of a corporate domain is no longer inclded in a register.
- the data included in the register are no longer correct and the agent in question after being notified fails to correct these data withing five working days.
- the agent does not possess on or several of the documents required by the foundation.
Licensing and transfer of domain names: ​
- can transfer rights to third party under laws of Netherlands, domain agreement
- new applicant has to sign indemnification, both have to sign the form.
Domain name dispute resolution ​
trademark protection ​
- trademark registration in benelux
- if applicant registers domain name with benelux label, trade mark owner can go against if:
- applicant has no valid reason for use.
- applicant uses domain name commercially.
- registration of domain name brings applicant unjust advantage.
- if similar domain name causing confusion it can be considered an infringement.
Infringement ​
Personal names cannot rely on benelux trademark, rely on dutch trade name act.
Legal entities in case of their domain name used so confused or mislead can rely on: tort law.
Domain name disputes can be dealt through summary proceedings
avg duration summary is 2 weeks
avg duration of full scale is 14 weeks
foreign complaints can be at dutch courts if they find dutch attorney
in nl registration auth or agents cannot solve disputes
may have a procedure based on ICANN internet coop for assign
Infringment of intellectual property rights, tort or contract