Keys ​
- A key uniquely identifies a tuple(row) in a table.
- Sometimes one attribute or a small set of attributes forms a (natural) key.
- Sometimes an extra key is needed to guarantee uniqueness.
Key Basic Idea
- Let R be a relational schema.
- Let X, Y be sets of attributes.
If X is a key of R then all attributes of R are functionally dependent on X.
In other words:
- If X is a key of the relational schema
Superkeys ​
- Let be a relational schema.
- Let X, Y be sets of attributes.
X is a superkey of R if all attributes of R are functionally dependent on X.
X is a superkey of R if
show table
ssn | name | birth_date | astrological_sign |
115565789 | Alice Anderson | 1987-04-15 | Aries |
136729221 | Bill Brown | 1973-05-02 | Taurus |
262823054 | Bill Brown | 1998-03-21 | Aries |
228923541 | Chris Carpenter | 1992-07-17 | Leo |
- (SSN) is a superkey.
- (SSN, astrological_sign) is a superkey.
- (name) is not a superkey.
Candidate Keys ​
Candidate Key
A candidate key is a minimal superkey
- A candidate key of a relation R is a superkey which has no proper subset that is also a superkey.
In other words, you cannot remove one of the attributes in a candidate key while maintaining uniqueness.
Examples: ​
show table
ssn | name | birth_date | astrological_sign |
115565789 | Alice Anderson | 1987-04-15 | Aries |
136729221 | Bill Brown | 1973-05-02 | Taurus |
262823054 | Bill Brown | 1998-03-21 | Aries |
228923541 | Chris Carpenter | 1992-07-17 | Leo |
- (SSN) is a candidate key.
- (SSN, birth_date) is not a candidate key.
Movie(title, year, length, genre)
show table
title | year | length | genre |
Gone With the Wind | 1939 | 231 | drama |
Star Wars | 1977 | 124 | sciFi |
Heaven can wait | 1943 | 112 | comedy |
Heaven can wait | 1978 | 101 | comedy |
this relation has two candidate keys:
- (title, year)
- (title, length)
functional dependencies for Movie:
How to determine candidate keys. ​
- start with the trivial superkey (the set of all attributes).
- Eliminate attributes which are functionally dependant on other attributes in the set.
- stop once no more attributes can be eliminated.
may result in different keys for different attributes chosen in step 2.
Example: ​
show table
S | N | B | A |
115565789 | Alice Anderson | 1987-04-15 | Aries |
136729221 | Bill Brown | 1973-05-02 | Taurus |
262823054 | Bill Brown | 1998-03-21 | Aries |
228923541 | Chris Carpenter | 1992-07-17 | Leo |
- FDs:
- take the set of all attributes:
. - eliminate attributes.
so we can eliminate B: SNA
so we can eliminate N: SA
based on transitivity we can eliminate A: S
we cannot eliminate any more attributes from the key because there is only one attribute left. S is a superkey and the only candidate key.
Dependencies explained in words:
- the ssn determines the date of birth.
- the date of birth determines the astrological sign
- thus the ssn determines the astrological sign.
To make this process better we can compute the closure of the set of FDs.
Primary Keys ​
Only one candidate key is designated as primary key.