Programming by Contract ​
Class Specifications ​
For each class and each method the program designer must specify the conditions for objects of this class to work properly.
: conditions which should hold before a method is called.Postcondtions
: conditions that should hold oce a method has worked correctly.Invariants
: What conditions must always hold in an object of a class.- If a caller respects preconditions then method implementation guarantees postconditions.
Precondition ​
- Defined using method pararmeters and or object conditions that can be described using public methods.
- Caller must ensure the preconditions.
- Method implementation can assume that preconditions are met.
Postcondition ​
- responsibility of the implementer.
Class Invariants ​
A class invariant is defined in the scope of a class.
General meaning: a property that always holds for any instance of the class.
Alternative usage scenarios:
- Private: refer to the internal state of the object.
- Public: serve as documentation.
Properties that hold for every internally reachable state of an object.
Preconditions, postconditions and invariants are boolean conditions.
Programming By Contract ​
- If a caller respects preconditons, then the method implementation guarantees postconditions.
- Class invariant shows that implementation ensures postconditions.
Contract Options ​
- Trust Client
- Client respects preconditions
- no precautions necessary.
- justified when client and class are developed by the same person or team.
- Generate error message:
- Client will not always respect preconditions
- When this happens the program should stop in a controlled manner.
- Implementations checks preconditions.
- assert precondition: stop of precondition not met.
- Useful to make sure internal invariants always hold.
- Applicable to larger programs.
- Defensive Programming
- Client will make mistakes.
- Program should not fail.
- Implementation checks all preconditions, and if a precondition is not respected tale a appropreiate emergenvy actions
- useful for critical applications.
- Check or Verify.
- Automatically insery precondition and postcondition checks.
- construct formal proof that
- preconditions hold.
- postconditions hold.
- invariants are maintained.
Contracts for overriding methods ​
- Contract in supertype: general, weak enough to allow overriding
public interface ClosedFigure {
/*@ ensures \result > 0; */
public int circumference();
- Specialized contract in subtype: specific, concrete & stronger
- The same or weakened precondition
- The same or strengthened postcondition
public class Circle implements ClosedFigure {
/*@ ensures \result == 2 * Math.PI * radius(); */
public int circumference() { ... }
- Contract of original method is respected
- Calling circumference on a ClosedFigure will meet expectations