Graphical User Interfaces ​
Java toolkits for GUIS ​
Abstract Windowing Toolkit (AWT)
- In principle portable
- java wrappers around native platform libraries.
- too much original behavior -> protability was lost.
- Part of JFC java foundation classes.
- Complete java GUI ues only native canvas, and draws java components onto it.
- software platform for creating and delivering desktop applications
- brings desktop applications closer to IRAs (Internet Rich Applications) which run on different devices.
- Developed to replace Swing.
- Not distributed with JDK 11.
JavaFX ​
Application ​
A class to represent a program with a GUI.
programs should extend Application
and implement main()
method. In the main method, the application is launched.
Stage and Scene ​
Application gets a Stage
with the start()
method, which represents a window on the screen (main window of a program)
new windows can be created be creating more Stage
needs to fill in and show the main window.
A Stage
shows a Scene
which is a container for GUI components
// Pass the scene to the stage and show it
stage.setTitle("JavaFX Test");;
Visual Example ​
GUI Containers ​
A scene is a container for GUI components. the components placed in scene can themselves be containers, this forms a scene graph
for Example:
HBox buttonBar = new HBox(20, button1, button2, button3);
BorderPane root = new BorderPane();
Scene scene = new Scene(root, 450, 200);
JavaFX layouts ​
Event-Driven Programming ​
Events like pressing a button have to be handled. An Event
contains information on what happened. An EventHandler
handles an Event
Button helloButton = new Button("Say Hello");
helloButton.setOnAction((new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
public void handle(ActionEvent event) {
System.out.println("Hello World");
EventHandler ​
An EventHandler
is a functional interface (defines a single function). handle(Event e)
, so it can be ued as a target for a lambda expression
// lambda expressions
Button helloButton = new Button("Say Hello");
helloButton.setOnAction(e -> System.out.println("Hello World!"));