Research Methodology ​
general toolkit for problem solving can be used on different domains
study evaluation and design methods and techniques to systematically and transparently take on the journey to move from a problem or challenge in practice and or theory to an evidence based solution or answer.
BIT examples: ​
- Business process modelling
- Process optimization
- Simulation
- Emergency response
- HR config
- Warehousing
- Business & IT alignment
- Organization IT architecture
know how the process works at this moment
- desk research heuristics interviews get input for the optimization
Investigative abilities: ​
- Investigative attitude
- Being able to apply knowledge from others
- Being able to do research
Applied Research ​
aimed at solving practical problems.
- Theory and research methods are not being tested.
Fundamental Research ​
aimed at generating new (scientific) knowledge that can be used to solve practical problems.
- Theory and research methods are being tested.
Research in practice ​
i.e organizational research
Researcher Role: ​
- Methodologically Sound
- Practical Relevance
at University: ​
- BA : Stakeholder
- MA : Field of Research
- Ph.D. : Society and science
Research types ​
- Induction: Knowing, Generalize, new Knowledge
- Deduction: Enhance, Contextualized usable knowledge
Steps ​
Introduction Convince people you know the problem
- Justification
- Context: problem cluster
- Problem or challenge: Problem statement
Theory: Convince people you know the solution
- Problem cause or challenge requirement 1
- Problem cause or challenge requirement 2
- Related work / state of the art
- Research questions / requirements
Research Method: Make this as retraceable as possible
- Problem or challenge 1
- Problem or challenge 2
Results Display results
- Problem or challenge 1
- Problem or challenge 2
Conclusion & Discussion What is happening in this situation
- Problem or challenge 1
- Problem or challenge 2
- Main Problem
Recommendations How do the findings have impact
- Main findings
- Practical implications
- scientific implication
Reference list