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Vectors have magnitude and direction.

Example: Speed has a value and a direction.


The vector PQ is the directed line segment with initial point P and terminal point Q.

Conventions and notation

  • Two vectors with the same length and the same direction are considered to be the same.
  • The name of a vector can be written in bold: v or underlined v

Standard position and component form


  • A vector is in standard position if the origin is its initial point.
  • If the vector equals OP where O is the origin and P = (x, y, z), then we write v in component form: v=x,y,z


If vector v has initial point Px1,x2,x3 and terminal point Qx2,y2,y3 then


The length of a vector


The length of the vector v with initial point P and terminal point Q is denoted as |v| and is defined as the distance between P and Q.

  • |v|=|PQ|

  • If v=x,y,z, then |v|=x2+y2+z2 (in standard position)

  • If v=PQ then |v|=(x2x1)2+(y2y1)2+(z2z1)2

Unit Vectors


A unit vector is a vector with length = 1.

  • to get a unit vector from v: v0, then v|v| is a unit vector



The direction of a non-zero vector v is the vector v|v|

  • Directions are unit vectors.
  • If a direction is in standard position, its end point lies on the unit circle (in R2), or the unit sphere (in R3)

Special vectors

  • zero vector: all components are 0, notaion: 0
  • standard base vectors:
    • R21,00,1
    • R3:1,0,00,1,00,0,1

Scalar multiplication of vectors

Scalar multiplication of a vector v with a real number a results in a shorter or longer vector with the same or opposite direction as v.


If v=v1,...,vn

Then av=av1,...,avnaR

Sum of two vectors

Two visual ways:

  • head to tail construction: shift v such that the initial point of v is the same as the terminal point of u.

  • parallelogram construction: shift v such that the initial points if u and v coincide.



If u=u1,...,unv=v1,...,vn

Then u+v=u1+v1,...un+vn


  • u+v=v+u
  • (u+v)+w=u+(v+w)
  • u+0=u
  • u+(u)=0
  • 0u=0
  • 1u=u
  • a(bu)=(ab)u
  • a(u + v) = au + av
  • (a + b)u = au + bu

The difference of two vectors.


  • head to head: shift the vectors such that the initial points coincide
  • v - u is the vector from the head of u to the head of v.
  • u - v is the vector from the head of v to the head of u.

Dot product


The dot product of two vectors v and u:


  • the dot product is a number.
  • the dot product can be used to describe the length of the vector: |v|=vv


  • uv=vu
  • (cu)v=u(cv)=c(uv)
  • u(v+w)=uv+uw
  • uu=|u|2
  • u0=0

The angle between unit vectors.


if u and v are unit vectors, and θ is the angle between u and v, then:



if u and v are non-zero vectors and θ is the angle between u and v, then




two vectors u and v are orthogonal or perpendicular if uv=0

  • if u0,v0, then the angle between u and v is π2
  • if u = 0 or v = 0 then there is no angle between u and v but we still say that u and v are orthogonal.
  • we denote orthogonal vectors with the "" symbol : vu


  • wcvv in other words: (wav)v=0


Let w and v be two vectors, v0 The Projection of w onto v is: projv(w)=(wv|v|2)v

Cross Product

  • Only in 3 dimensions => vector has 3 components


Let u=u1,u2,u3,v=v1,v2,v3 be two vectors in R3 the cross product of u and b is:


Cross Product Template:

  1. Write u and v in a column:
    • u=u1,u2,u3
    • v=v1,v2,v3
  2. copy the first two leftmost entries of u and v.
    • u=u1,u2,u3u1u2
    • v=v1,v2,v3v1v2
  3. calculate the first entry of u x v, starting with u_2 in an x shape.
    • u2v3u3v2
  4. calculate the second entry of u x v.
    • u3v1u1v3
  5. calculate the third entry of u x v.
    • u1v2u2v1


  • (ru)×(sv)=(rs)(u×v)
  • u×(v+w)=u×v+u×w
  • u×v=(v×u)
  • (v+w)×u=v×u+w×u
  • 0×u=u×0=0
  • u×(v×w)(u×v)×w

Geometric Properties:

  • u×vuandu×vv
  • |u×v|=|u||v|sinθ with θ being the angle between u an v.
  • right hand rule for u×v:
    • index finger: first vector (u)
    • middle finger: second vector (v)
    • thumb: cross product (u×v)

Lines and Planes


The line through P parallel to v is given by {p+tvR3|tR}

where p=OP

  • The vector p is called a support vector of l.
  • the vector v is called a direction vector of l.

Planes in R3

  • A normal vector of M is a non-zero vector orthogonal to M.
  • A plane is determined by:
    • three points, not on one line.
    • by a support vector and a normal vector.

Planes by normal vector:

  • If n is a normal vector of M, then for every XMnPX
  • if p=OP and x=OX , then n(xp)=0 this equation is called the normal equation of M.

Planes determined by three points:

How to find a normal vector: If P, Q and T are three points (not on a line), a normal vector of the plane can be found by taking a cross product, for example: n=PQ×PR

Method: Finding a plane equation from three points

The Plane W goes through three points A, B and C.

Determine an equation for the plane W of the form ax+by+czd=0

  1. Find a normal vector for the plane W.
    • Find a vector: AB=B1A1,B2A2,B3A3
    • Find another vector: AC=C1A1,C2A2,C3A3
    • Find the cross product of the vectors AB and AC (we use u and v for readability) n=u×v=u2v3u3v2,u3v1u1v3,u1v2u2v1
  2. Find a support vector p, which is a vector from the origin to any point on the plane.
    • Choose p=OA
  3. Replace n and p in n(xp)=0 (x can be replaced with x,y,z)